
The Berkhamsted Arts Trust has made every effort to make this website accessible and easy to use for everyone, no matter what browser you choose to use, and whether or not you have any disabilities. It has been tested in Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Safari, Opera, Chrome and Microsoft edge.

In particular:

  • Text size all the text and menus on this website can be enlarged in your browser.
  • Pictures of text are not used with the exception of the Arts Trust logo. This means that the user can modify the text size and colour contrast – essential for those with a vision impairment or dyslexia – it also allows a screen reader to read the content
  • Moving pictures are not used. These are distracting for visitors with a cognitive impairment, and interactive ‘Flash Movies’ can present access problems for visitors who cannot use a mouse, are vision impaired or who use speech output.
  • Javascript is used to display the tabular diary so that it can be sorted and the rows have alternate colours. If Javascript is turned off, the table is still completely displayed, although these extra features are not available.
  • Tab order of the pages is logical, starting at the logo, side menu and finally main content.
  • New windows are only used to link to external websites or display pdf files. There are no popup windows.
  • Skip links to go straight to the main content and menu are at the top of each page, available to voice recognition software and text browsers .
  • Tables are only used to present the diary information in a tabular format. This has a caption and header, especially useful for screen readers.

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