Dacorum Cultural Olympiad
The Dacorum Cultural Olympiad has been awarded £50,000 to support a series of events that can be funded or part funded. A Cultural Olympiad Committee has been established to co-ordinate an extensive programme of arts, heritage, sports and leisure events that will take place in Dacorum between June 2011 and December 2012.
To submit details of an arts event as part of the Dacorum Cultural Olympiad
2011-2012 programme: The event organiser will need to complete a Cultural Olympiad ‘Expression of Interest’ form, this can be downloaded from the Dacorum Partnership website
The deadline for receipt of expressions of interest is the 13th January 2011. Receipt of completed forms will be acknowledged back to the applicant. All Expression of Interest forms will be considered by the Cultural Olympiad Committee for adoption and outline funding approval where appropriate. The outcome will be notified to the applicant along with next steps and any other requirements.
If you have any queries in relation to the above you can email the Chairman of the Dacorum Cultural Olympiad Committee, Brian Doran at info.culturalolympiad@gmail.com